
A calculator with three displays which can perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modular division. View Project View Source Code

Weather on web

"Weather on web" provides information such as current temperature, weather description, humidity, etc., based on the location(country/state/city) given by the user. View Project View Source Code

Stonks - up or down?

A tool that tells you if your stock is making a profit or loss by taking the initial price, current price, and quantity of stocks. If profit/loss, shows the percentage by which the stock is up/down. View Project View Source Code

Birthday - Palindrome or not?

A tool to check if your birthday is a palindrome. If not, it finds the number of days by which you missed it and the actual palindrome date. View Project View Source Code

Triangles App

A tool made using Vanilla JavaScript to calculate the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle, area of the triangle. Also, check if it forms a triangle based on the angles given. It also includes a basic quiz on triangles. View Project View Source Code

Birthday - Lucky or not?

A fun game to check if your birthday is lucky on the basis of your lucky number. View Project View Source Code

Cash Register

A tool that tells you the minimum number of notes to return by taking the bill amount and cash given by the customer using Vanilla JavaScript. View Project View Source Code

Music Recommendation

A Music Recommendation web app made using REACT - A JavaScript library. I added a few of my favorite songs based on genre. Do check them out. View Project View Source Code

Emoji List

Ever wondered what the emojis you use mean? Use the list to know the actual meaning of the emojis by tapping on them. View Project View Source Code

Translator 2: English to Dothraki Language

Want to speak the mighty Dothraki language or The khalasars Language? Learn it by using this translator, made using API. Do share it with your family and friends and have fun. View Project View Source Code

Translator 1: English to Minion Language

Want to speak the fun minions language or Minionese? Learn it by using this translator, made using API. Do share it with your family and friends and have fun. View Project View Source Code

A Formula 1 Quiz App

A fun formula one quiz race app made on CLI using JavaScript. In this quiz, there are ten questions to which every F1 fan must know the answer. Are you an F1 fan? TAKE THE QUIZ NOW! View Project View Source Code


A fun quiz on myself made on CLI using JavaScript. In this quiz, there are five questions and if you think you know me enough, TAKE THE QUIZ NOW! View Project View Source Code